Registered office (RO) of the company is a physical place which is maintained with the registrar of companies and which is used for the purpose of receiving official communication from various authorities. Registered office of the company is principal place of business of the company. The location of the registered office of the company will determine the Registrar of Companies under which it falls. The company can change its registered office any time.
The registered office of the company can be changed in any of the following ways:
Registered office (RO) of the company is a physical place which is maintained with the registrar of companies and which is used for the purpose of receiving official communication from various authorities. Registered office of the company is principal place of business of the company. The location of the registered office of the company will determine the Registrar of Companies under which it falls. The company can change its registered office any time.
The registered office of the company can be changed in any of the following ways:
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