KYC of Designated Partners


Ministry of Corporate Affairs has introduced new form DIR-3-KYC to update the KYC details of the DPIN holders in the system. This form is mandatory to file by the DPIN holders on or before due date otherwise DPIN of the designated partner will be deactivated.


Who is required to File and Due Dates of Filing of DIR-3-KYC?

Any person who has allotted DPIN on or before 31st March, 2018 and has approved status is required to file form DIR-3-KYC on or before 15th September, 2018 to update his KYC details.

For financial year 2019-20 onwards, every individual who has allotted DPIN on or before the end of financial year and having approved status of DPIN is required to file form DIR-3-KYC on or before 30th April of the immediately next financial year.

Document Required and Details to File Form DIR-3-KYC

Following details of DPIN holder is required to be filled in the form:

  • Personal details of the DPIN holder such as- Name, Father’s name, DOB, PAN number, Address, E-mail ID, personal mobile number.
  • Aadhar card of DIN holder, if not possessed then Voter ID/Passport/Driving license shall be attached.
  • Passport of the applicant.
  • DSC of designated partner (DPIN holder).
  • DSC of professional certifying the form.

Process of Filing DIR-3-KYC

  • STEP-1: The first step is to log in to MCA website and download DIR-3-KYC form.
  • STEP-2: After downloading KYC form designated partner is required to enter DPIN number and required particulars. Information entered should match exactly with the documents uploaded.
  • STEP-3: Designated partner is mandatorily required to enter personal mobile number and E-mail ID and verify the same by OTP.
  • STEP-4: Once form is completely filled than attach the documents required, check form and sign form digitally through the DSC of designated partner.
  • STEP-5: Pre-scrutiny the form and upload it on MCA website.
  • STEP-6: SRN will be generated after successful submission of DIR-3-KYC form which will be used for further correspondence with MCA.
  • STEP-7: Once form is approved by MCA than approval mail should be sent to the mail ID of designated partner.

Government Fees

No fees is required to file DIR-3-KYC on or before due dates. However, if form is filed after due date than fees of Rs. 5000 shall be payable to remove the status of "Deactivated due to non-filing of DIR-3-KYC".

Govt Fees

Attachment of DIR-3-KYC Form

The following attachment is to be filed:

  • Proof of Permanent address.
  • Copy of Aadhaar Card, if possessed otherwise Voter ID/Passport/Driving license shall be attached.
  • Copy of Passport (if possessed).
  • Proof of present Address (in case present address is different from permanent address).
  • Optional attachments, if any.

Consequences of Non-Filing of DIR-3-KYC

For every DPIN holder who have active status of DPIN is required to file form DIR-3-KYC on or before due date. In case designated partner (DPIN holder) does not file this form then system will mark “Deactivated due to non-filing of DIR-3-KYC” against the DIN of the person. In other words, if this form is not filed than DPIN of the designated partner will be deactivated.


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